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Archive 2020 - Tendency Determination Poll Method and Process

1.    Voters in the Tendency Determination Poll will be Eastern Mediterranean University's full-time professorial staff, senior instructors-instructors-experts, administrative staff, workers and members of the EMU Student Council.

2.    64% of the weighted total of the casted votes will be obtained from the professorial staff's votes, 24% from the senior instructors'-instructors-experts' votes, 10% from the administrative staff's and workers' votes and 2% from the student council members' votes In line with this,

Vote coefficient for professorial staff = 64/(total number of professorial staff who have casted votes)
Vote coefficient for Senior instructors - Instructors - Experts = 24 / (total number of senior instructors + instructors + experts who have casted votes)
Vote coefficient for Administrative Staff and Workers = 10/( total number of administrative staff and workers who have casted votes)
Vote coefficient for the members of the Student Council = 2/(total number of the Student Council members who have casted votes)


In this poll, a candidate who have obtained 50%+ of the votes will be the winner.

3. The tendency determination poll will be held on 12 JUNE 2020 from 08:30 to 15:30 (GMT+2, Cyprus). 

4. Those who will vote at the ballot box will go to the EMU CENTRAL LECTURING (CL) building and give her/his voting at the ballot boxes to be controlled by RCDC (Rector Candidate Determination Committee. Anyone who comes voting will be asked to wear masks, present an official, valid ID card/document with an up-to-date photo (passport, driver license, EMU personnel card, etc.), and comply with hygiene conditions. The ballpoint pen (blue or black ink) will be used in the voting process, and everyone will be asked to bring her/his own ballpoint pen. The voting process will be shared live on MS Teams in the classes where the vote will be held.

5. People whose online voting rights have been approved by RCDC will also vote on JUNE 12, 2020. In accordance with the conditions specified to them, they will be asked to present the certificate of valid photo and an official, valid ID card/document with an up-to-date photo (passport, driver license, EMU personnel card, etc.).

6. After the completion of the voting of tendency determination poll, all the ballot boxes will be brought to Mustafa Afşin Hall. RCDC will begin counting the votes at 15:45 (GMT+2, Cyprus) and the vote counting process will be shared live via MS Teams. Once the vote counting process (including the results of the online voting) is completed, the results will be minuted and submitted to the Senate Secretariat on the same day.

During the first round of the “Tendency Determination Poll”, fulfilling the condition of obtaining 50%+ of the valid votes is sought. In the event of the availability of no candidates fulfilling the condition of holding 50%+ of the valid votes during the first round of the tendency determination process, a second round of tendency determination will be held between the two candidates who will obtain the highest number of votes. If deemed necessary, the second round of the tendency determination poll will be held on 15 JUNE 2020 and at the end of the same day, the RCDC will be formally communicating the results of the said round to the Senate Secretariat. The Senate will then convene on 16  JUNE 2020 and present the Board of Trustees their recommendation for the Rector Candidate.

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